Need to solve equations, differentiate, integrate, or plot graphs with precision? Our advanced Symbolab Calculator delivers instant, accurate mathematical solutions.
How to Use the Symbolab Calculator
Basic Operations:
- Enter numbers and operators (+, -, *, /, ^) using buttons or your keyboard.
- Press “=” or “Enter” to calculate the result.
Trigonometric Functions (SIN, COS, TAN):
- Click the function button (e.g., SIN) → enter the angle → press “=”.
- Example: Click SIN, type 30, press “=” → Result: 0.5.
Other Functions:
(Square root): Click and enter a number (e.g., √9 = 3).LOG
: Log base 10 of a number.
Editing & Clearing:
- Use Backspace to delete one character.
- Click C to clear everything.
- Click Help for a quick guide.
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